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Unit 3
My Day, Animals, Places
Lesson 1
Talk Time
Video Vocabulary
Tell me about your day!
اخبرني عن يومك
I get up at 6 o’clock.
استيقظ الساعة السادسة
What time do you eat lunch?
في اي وقت تتناول الغداء؟
At 2.00 o’clock. Then I do my homework.
في الساعة الثانية، ثم اكتب واجبات
Do you watch TV in the evening?
هل تشاهد التلفاز في المساء؟
Yes, I do.
نعم، أفعل
What do you do on Saturday?
ماذا تفعل يوم السبت؟
I play with my friends.
العب مع اصدقائي
Do you watch TV in the evening?
What time do you get up?
I get up at six o‘clock.
Yes, I do / No, I don't
I/you/we/they get up at 6 o‘clock.
2. dining room
Listen and say

I get up at 6 o'clock
What time do you get up?

I go to school at 7 o'clock
What time do you go to school?

I eat lunch at home
Where do you eat lunch?

I watch TV.
What do you do in the evening

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